Background and Inspiration:

Ever since I was a child, I immersed myself in the world of art, drawing inspiration from my favorite comic books and illustrations. My journey took a significant turn when I earned a Diploma in Comic Art in Florence, Italy. While I initially pursued art alongside other jobs, I recently committed fully to my creative journey. Along this path, I discovered a newfound passion for pattern design, falling in love with creating vibrant collections.

My art pays homage to the timeless elegance of literature, the intricate patterns of nature, and the poetry woven into florals. I strive to capture the magic residing in the details, infusing my artwork with a touch of cuteness and comfort.

Artistic Journey:

I began with freelance commissions, shaping booklets with comics and illustrations. For six years, I worked as a part-time illustrator for an e-commerce company. One of my proudest achievements was designing characters for the brand Don Piccantoni, featured on the packaging of nine spice blends.

Passion and Dedication:

My passion stems from a desire to tell stories and capture beauty and wonder to share with others. 

Empathy drives my creative process, bringing joy by making people feel seen. My most emotional experiences arise from private commissions where I connect deeply with clients, creating artwork that reflects their transformative journeys.

About me:

Beyond my artistic pursuits, I graduated in literature and languages, fueled by my deep love for learning and an eternal student mindset. Having lived in Italy, Austria, and now Belgium, I embrace diverse cultures and perspectives. As a mental health advocate, I delve into wellness through yoga, meditation, and the charming illustrations of a yoga girl, which I share on my Instagram account @miacarayogini.

Let’s Create Together:

I am available for freelance work, and my art is open for licensing. Explore my portfolio, and if you’re interested in collaboration, please reach out to me at [email protected].